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Robust and versatile: King Air 260 fits many missions for European charter service

Dave Connor, CEO of RVL Aviation knew his airline needed an aircraft to take his operation to the next level. When searching for a turboprop aircraft that fit both RVL and their partner’s missions, the Beechcraft® King Air® 260 aircraft stood out and has shown why.

“RVL Aviation is the fifth-longest standing independent airline in the UK. We've got a rich history spanning special missions, aircraft charter and management,” shared Connor. “We've got a suite of approvals, including our operator certificate, AOC, air-worthiness approvals, maintenance approvals, and all of the infrastructure that we've got at East Midlands help support that.”

Describing the work that RVL is involved in further illuminates the need for a robust product with numerous uses.

“We work on behalf of private and public sector organizations. We've got a range of aircraft that are especially configured for that role. I'd say that RVL makes a difference in a number of ways, not just local employment and in local communities, but also the benefits that our services provide on behalf of our customers, whether it's maritime protection, border patrol, search and rescue, law enforcement, and all the way up to the other end of the spectrum, which is passenger charter, moving goods and vital services on behalf of government and private sector companies,” state Connor.

When asked about the reviews he receives from passengers, Connor explains why the Beechcraft® King Air® 260 fits many missions.

“Our passenger customers particularly like what we provide in terms of the product because of what it offers: versatility, flexibility, the performance aspects, and the King Air is central to that. Biggest thing for us, given the diverse portfolio we've got, is having the multi-capabilities that the King Air platform offers. Whether it's passengers, or freight or special missions, it ticks all the boxes.”

The King Airs have helped our business immensely, integrating them into the company. The crew love them, the pilots love them, the passengers love them. Huge product support from Textron Aviation. For us, it's a massive win. The King Air has a number of huge benefits for us. On the chartering side with our passengers, it offers a huge cabin. It's great performance, it's comfortable.

Just as important as the experience in the cabin, Connor also states how pilots enjoy operating in the cockpit.

“Our pilots love it, which is always a help. And then at the other end of the spectrum for our special mission’s role, it can be configured in a number of different ways. It has that flexibility and versatility attached to it that's unrivaled, in my opinion.”

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