Quickly access Support Contacts and view all locations of Service Centers, Authorized Facilities, and MSUs. The ability to rate Service Centers, view Radio Frequency, call, and request Flight Assurance is at your fingertips.
LinxUs allows you to receive notifications for faults instantly as they happen in flight, review the last 30 days with explicit details of the fault, and submit them to 1Call.
Access to Sales Portal allows you to instantly view status of aircraft in maintenance, pay invoices, and approve work orders. A push notification will be sent to you when a new work order is needing responded to.
Customer Conference lets you see what all conferences Textron Aviation has open. View what classes available, view floor maps, other documents, register and unregister for classes, rate the class, and view speaker documents from the app.
AReS diagnostics tool allows you to connect to our aircraft, view diagnostic files, download them directly to your device, and then send them to Textron Aviation.