Textron Aviation, Inc.
Brand Usage Guidelines

This guide is for external parties desiring to use Textron Aviation, Inc. registered trademarks, service marks, product names or images in promotional, journalistic, advertising, instructional, or reference materials. Use of our trademarks and service marks for commercial purposes without our prior written consent may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws.

Textron Aviation, Inc. trademarks, service marks, trade names, product likenesses and trade dress are extremely valuable assets and are referred to in this guide as marks and/or trademarks. By following this guide, you will assist us in protecting our brand and corporate identity. When using Textron Aviation, Inc. marks, you acknowledge that we are the sole owner of the mark and you agree not to interfere with our rights in the mark in addition not to cause harm, misuse, or dispute any of our marks. The goodwill derived by using any part of our marks exclusively inures to the benefit of and belongs to Textron Aviation, Inc. Except for the limited right to use as expressly permitted under this guide, no other rights of any kind are granted to you, by implication or in any other way. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, need approval on branded materials or have a request for additional brand assets, please contact brandmarketing@txtav.com.

1. Authorized Use of Textron Aviation, Inc. Registered Trademarks and Service Marks

You may use Textron Aviation, Inc. registered trademarks and service marks in the scenarios outlined below. Your use must be considered fair use and cannot be done to imply endorsement or affiliation by Textron Aviation, Inc. when no such relationship exists. Make your relationship clear and do not incorporate our product names or services into your product name or company. Any use must also follow the additional rules in Section 3 and the acceptable attribution requirements in Section 4.

Below is a list of brand resources:

1.1. Promotional, Sales Materials, and Advertising

Textron Aviation, Inc. registered trademarks and service marks can be used in a promotional, sales, and advertising context only if you are a specific licensee or channel partner of our brands or have reached out to Textron Aviation, Inc. to secure formal approval. If you already have a formal agreement that specifies usage guidelines, please follow them. If your agreement does not provide specific guidelines, then follow the rules in this guide. If you are an authorized reseller or member of one of our programs, you may have additional restrictions.

1.2. Aftermarket Products or Services

You may use a Textron Aviation, Inc. registered trademark or service mark to clarify on packaging, promotional, or advertising materials that your product or service is compatible with, designed for, or certifiable on the referenced Textron Aviation, Inc. product if you comply with the following requirements.

  1. A Textron Aviation, Inc. mark is not part of your service or product name.
  2. A Textron Aviation, Inc. mark is used in a referential phrase such as "fits on," "for use with," "designed for," "compatible with," or "certifiable on."
  3. The Textron Aviation, Inc. mark appears less prominently than the product name.
  4. The product or service is compatible with the referenced Textron Aviation, Inc. product and meets all FAA rules and regulations for aftermarket products.
  5. The reference to Textron Aviation, Inc. does not create a sense of sponsorship, endorsement or inaccurate association with us or our products and services.
  6. The use does not depict Textron Aviation, Inc. or its products in a disparaging, derogatory or false light.

1.3. News Publications, Trade Shows, and Conferences

You may use a Textron Aviation, Inc. registered trademark or service mark in connection with blog posts, book titles, magazines, periodicals, seminars, trade shows or conferences provided you comply with the following requirements.

  1. The use is referential and less prominent than the rest of the title. Acceptable: ABC FLY-IN for Beechcraft Owners.
  2. The use reflects favorably on both Textron Aviation, Inc. and our products.
  3. Your name and logo appear more prominently than any Textron Aviation, Inc. mark on all printed and electronic materials related to the item or event in question.
  4. A disclaimer of sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement by Textron Aviation, Inc., similar to the following, is included on the publication and on all related materials: “(Name) is an independent (event/publication/show) and has not been sponsored, approved, or otherwise authorized by Textron Aviation, Inc.”
  5. A trademark attribution notice is included in the credit section giving notice of our ownership of any Textron Aviation, Inc. mark(s). Please refer to Section 4 for details.

1.4. Websites

Websites, blogs, forums etc. that serve only as noncommercial, electronic informational resources concerning a Textron Aviation, Inc. registered trademark or service mark may use the appropriate mark.

2. Unauthorized Use of Textron Aviation, Inc. Trademarks

2.1. Product, Service, or Company Name

You may not use or register, in any way, any Textron Aviation, Inc. registered trademark or service mark, including graphic symbols, logos, or an altered version thereof, as or as part of a trade name, company name, service name, or product name.

2.2. Disparaging Use

You may not use a Textron Aviation, Inc. registered trademark or service mark, logo, or product likeness in a disparaging manner.

2.3. False Association, Sponsorship or Endorsement

You may not use a Textron Aviation, Inc. registered trademark or service mark, logo, or product likeness in a manner that would imply our affiliation with or support of a third-party service or product.

2.4. Merchandise

You may not manufacture, sell or gift merchandise, such as T-shirts and mugs, bearing any Textron Aviation, Inc. registered trademark or service mark, including symbols or logos except pursuant to an express written trademark license from Textron Aviation, Inc.

2.5. Our Trade Dress

You may not imitate Textron Aviation, Inc. distinctive product likenesses, website design or logos.

2.6. Slogans and Taglines

You may not use or imitate Textron Aviation, Inc. slogans or taglines.

For example: "A Different Sky Awaits."

2.7. Domain Names

You may not use a partial, identical, or virtually identical Textron Aviation, Inc. registered trademark or service mark as a top or lower-level domain name.

Not acceptable: "beechparts.com" "Beechcraft.airplaneparts.com" "cessna-parts.com" "cessnamart.com"

3. Additional Rules for Proper Use of Textron Aviation, Inc. Trademarks

  1. Textron Aviation, Inc. trademarks are adjectives and are used to modify nouns; the noun is the generic name of a product or service.
  2. Always spell and capitalize Textron Aviation, Inc. trademarks as they are in our listing of trademarks. Do not abbreviate or shorten product names. Do not make up names that contain Textron Aviation, Inc. trademarks.
  3. A fitting generic term must appear after a trademark the first time it appears in a printed or narrative piece of content, and as often as is reasonable after that.
  4. As adjectives, Textron Aviation, Inc. may not be used in the plural or possessive form.

Correct: I bought two Beechcraft aircraft.
Not Correct: I bought two Beechcrafts.

4. Acceptable Trademark Attribution and Notice

4.1. Distribution within the United States only

If your planned material will be distributed only within the United States you must use the appropriate trademark symbol (TM, SM, ®) every time a Textron Aviation, Inc. registered mark appears. Refer to the full list of Textron Aviation, Inc. marks in Section 1 to ensure you have the correct spelling of the mark.

Place an attribution of Textron Aviation, Inc.'s ownership of the marks within the planned material. The following are acceptable attribution formats:

  • Citation Latitude® and Citation Longitude® are registered trademarks of Textron Aviation, Inc.
  • Citation Latitude® and the following logos are trademarks of Textron Aviation, Inc.
  • Citation logo®

4.2. Distribution outside the United States

If your planned material will be distributed outside the United States, first ensure that the Textron Aviation, Inc. marks used are registered in the country of distribution. Check the full list of Textron Aviation, Inc. marks in Section 1 for confirmation.

Place an attribution of Textron Aviation, Inc.'s ownership of the marks within the planned material. The following are acceptable international attribution formats:

Citation Latitude® is a trademark of Textron Aviation, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions.

5. Depiction of Textron Aviation, Inc. Products in Media

If you would like to use Textron Aviation, Inc. products in media such as movies, television shows, books, videos hosted on online platforms, etc. you can do so as long as you follow the guidelines below and obtain formal permission from Textron Aviation, Inc. by sending your request to brandmarketing@txtav.com. In your request please be sure to describe who you are ("USER"), what Textron Aviation, Inc. ("TAI") product you'd like to show ("PERMITTED WORKS"), and in what context you'd like to show it ("PERMITTED USE").


In the event you are granted permission per your request mentioned above, your use shall be subject to the following EXCEPTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND CONDITIONS, TAI has no objection to USER using the PERMITTED WORKS in the PERMITTED USE.

  1. USER will not modify or create derivatives of the PERMITTED WORKS.
  2. USER will not use the PERMITTED WORKS outside the PERMITTED USE.
  3. USER will not seek to register any copyrights or trademarks relating to the PERMITTED WORKS and will not interfere in TAI's assertion of any intellectual property rights in the PERMITTED WORKS.
  4. This permission is personal to USER and may not be transferred, conveyed, sublicensed, or otherwise shared with any other person or entity.
  5. All right, title, and ownership in the intellectual property rights in the PERMITTED WORKS are and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of TAI and this permission does not confer onto you any rights or interest not specifically stated in this document.
  6. USER may not refer to TAI as endorsing, sponsoring, or recommending the PERMITTED USE in any way.
  7. USER depiction of the PERMITTED WORKS shall not disparage TAI or its products. USER shall not show PERMITTED WORKS being depicted as being intentionally operated in any unsafe manner or damaged in any way.
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