If your corporate travel is based around commercial flight, you may be missing out on cost efficiencies and business opportunities. Consider the facts about business aviation and how it benefits companies like yours before booking your next flight.
59% of companies operating aircraft have fewer than
500 employees.
70% of companies operating aircraft have fewer than
1,000 employees.
Source: NBAA
97% of business aviation is used by universities, governments, charities and small-to-mid-size businesses.
Only 3% of business aviation is used by Fortune 500 companies
Source: NBAA
10x as many airfields in the United States are available to business aviation than commercial aviation. This gets passengers closer to their final destinations.
Source: NBAA
78% of business aircraft passengers are non-executives, such as salespeople, technicians, customers and managers.
Source: Harris Interactive Survey, 10/2009
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