The advantage of working with us

When you work with Textron Aviation, you have a team of experts on your side. Below, you'll see several frequently asked questions.
If you don't find what you're looking for, contact us.
Just like LinxUs®, we provide answers.

I recently purchased a used aircraft. How do I get LinxUs Service?

First contact Technical Publications at +1.800.796.2665 ( to get the aircraft subscriptions including LinxUs® switched over. Proof of transfer of ownership is required. You will receive a welcome letter typically within a few days once service setup is complete.

What kind of aircraft data can be transmitted to LinxUs?

Currently for Garmin® equipped aircraft, the following data can be transmitted. (You're free to set aircraft transmit preferences the way you want).

  • Aircraft Faults and root cause identification (Avionics/Airframe Systems/Engines).
  • Engine Service Message information.
  • Engine Exceedances data.
  • Engine Trend data.
  • Full time AReS (Aircraft Recording System) data.
  • CAS message log.
  • FOQA/ FDM data.

LinxUs® displays the same logged data that is available on the aircraft MFD, plus much more.

What equipment do I need to transmit LinxUs data?

Garmin GSR56 (Sat Receiver)
To transmit immediately in flight via the worldwide Iridium satellite network, your aircraft must be equipped with a Garmin® GSR56 Satellite Receiver.

Garmin GDL59 / GDL60 (Datalink)
To transmit Central Maintenance Computer (CMC) via Wi-Fi on the ground, your aircraft must be equipped with a Garmin® GDL59 or the GDL60 (Wi-Fi Datalink). If you have a mobile hotspot, or a wireless router in your hangar or base of operation, this will allow the GDL to connect to the internet (via a secure pipe) to transmit your data.

The GDL60 also allows transmission of CMC data via the Garmin Pilot™ aviation app.

The GDL59 and GSR56 are installed as standard equipment on the following models:

  • Citation Longitude®
  • Citation Latitude®
  • Citation® Sovereign+™

The GDL60 is installed as standard equipment on the following models:

  • Cessna® Caravan® (208-0708 and On)
  • Cessna® Grand Caravan® (208B-5808 and On)

AReS II is a Wi-Fi enabled full time aircraft data recorder. Transmission of AReS II data enables advanced troubleshooting as well as FOQA/FDM data forwarding to your chosen provider (Selected Providers).

LinxUs Legacy Hardware
LinxUs® Legacy hardware enables aircraft flight recording and data transmission via cellular connection. Equipment is available for legacy aircraft without AReS II.

CDMS GDL59 (Wi-Fi) GDL60 (Wi-Fi) GSR56 (Iridium) AReS LinxUs® Legacy Hardware
Caravan® STD N/A STD** N/A N/A N/A
SkyCourier® STD N/A N/A OPT STD N/A
Citation Latitude® STD STD N/A STD* STD N/A
Citation® Sovereign+™ STD STD N/A STD* STD N/A
Citation Longitude® STD STD N/A STD STD N/A
Citation M2® STD 675 or 675A N/A 675 or 675A STD N/A
Citation® CJ1®/CJ1+® N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPT
Citation® CJ2®/CJ2+® N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPT
Citation® CJ3® N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPT
Citation® CJ3+™ STD 675 or 675A N/A 675 or 675A STD N/A
Citation CJ4® N/A N/A N/A N/A STD OPT
Citaiton® XLS+™ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPT
King Air 90 Series N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPT
King Air® 200 Series N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPT
King Air® 300 Series N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPT

*Standard on 2016 and on model serial numbers starting with 680-0556 and 680A-0024.
**The Garmin® GDL 60 will only be installed on aircraft that deliver on registries where the governing certification authority approves the installation. Applicable LTE subscription services are the Purchaser’s responsibility.
For inquires Contact A Service Rep

What are my costs?

LinxUs Services
A continual LinxUs® subscription is provided to you at no cost. LinxUs benefits continue with transfer of aircraft ownership.

Data Transmit from Your Airplane
Wi-Fi transmit is free. Iridium transmit through LinxUs® Air is included for one year from new aircraft delivery date, or from subscription activation date for eligible aircraft in the field. If you've recently purchased a used aircraft, we offer a minimum of six months free LinxUs Air Service. Iridium transmit is the best way to get critical data sent off the airplane right away and wherever you are.

LinxUs Legacy Data Transmit
LinxUs® Legacy uses cellular data to offload flight data once the aircraft has landed and requires a yearly subscription fee. Please contact a sales rep for more details.

Where can I connect my aircraft?

1. Data may be sent IN AIR or on ground using your Garmin® GSR56 Satellite Receiver and the Iridium satellite network.

2. You can connect the AReS II Unit and/or the Garmin® GDL59/GDL60 to your own Wi-Fi ground network. Your airplane will also connect to Wi-Fi at Textron Aviation Service Centers.

3. If equipped with the LinxUs Legacy unit, your aircraft will automatically connect to the nearest cellular tower upon landing.

Where does my data go and who has access to it?

Maintenance data is transmitted from your airplane in a binary encrypted format. Your data is passed through to the LinxUs® server every three minutes. It can take up to six minutes (from time of transmit) for data availability on LinxUs, although it usually appears within a couple of minutes.

Once received at Textron Aviation, the data may be viewed by the Owner/ Operator on the LinxUs Dashboard. Additionally, the Textron Aviation product support team may view this data for the purpose of troubleshooting your aircraft. Textron Aviation personnel are prohibited from forwarding this data outside the company in any form. Data notification and forwarding preferences are set by the Owner/Operator on the LinxUs My Account page.

How fast will LinxUs send me an email notification when my airplane has a fault in flight?

Depending on server batch process - at most six minutes.

Can I send engine trend data to my Trend Monitoring Provider?

Yes, LinxUs® supports a completely hands off approach to engine trending with automatic data delivery to your trend provider.